Spaghetti and the pool

spaghetti_mom_ty.jpg Had dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory last night in downtown San Jose. David got home earlier than usual so it was a nice way to start the weekend. Figured the kids would enjoy it too. I ordered the Chicken Marsala ( it was just ok…) and David had the “Potpourri” 3-4 difference sauces over Spaghetti. The kids split the spaghetti with meatsauce kids meal. During the middle of dinner, Natalie had to go poop. So I took her to the restroom and when she was sitting on the toilet she said to me “Mom, my poop is getting ready” and a couple mins later (while grunting) “Mom (grunt), the poop (grunt) is coming out!” I was trying not to laugh, but it was so funny. There was another lady in the restroom too. I wonder what she was thinking.

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going_to_pool2.jpg Today was a beautiful day. Sunny and warm! We started the day at the dentist. I had a tightening (braces) to do and Natalie had her first dentist visit. It was short, but went well. She has no cavities! After the dentist we went to the mall to hang out and have some Jamba Juice and lunch. The kids enjoyed playing at Pottery Barn kids. I literally had to rip Tyler away and dragged him out of the store kicking and screaming. Oh well. After the kids took an afternoon nap, we went to the pool! When we got there, there was no one there so we had the pool all to ourselves for at least 10 mins before another group of kids showed up. It was alright though, the kids were having fun.

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