
We went hiking for the first time on Saturday with the Bradley’s at Castle Rock State Park. The hike to Castle Rock was only 0.3 miles so it was not bad for the kids. They got to climb rocks, and some were really steep. Auntie Kathy packed us some sandwiches and we brought some snacks and had a picnic near the rock. The weather was perfect! Afterwards we stopped at Jamba Juice for some refreshments. It was free Jamba Juice day for kids – which was nice!






3 Weeks

The kids stayed with Po Po and Gong Gong for 3 weeks starting the week of July 4th. For 3 weeks I didn’t cook, didn’t have to leave work early to meet a schedule, didn’t have to rush home for lessons of some sort, didn’t have to pack lunches, just didn’t! Although David and I didn’t really go anywhere, it felt like a vacation.

Natalie was sad to be away from us for so long and Tyler didn’t miss us at all. They both had a good time in LA though. The uncles and aunty took them out to eat, bowling, and made a trip to the toy store. Gong Gong took them swimming regularly and cousin Jay was in town for the last week and they kept each other company. With today’s technologies like FaceTime and texting, we were able to stay in touch daily, which was nice.

Summer is going by quick. We only have 3 more weeks before school starts again!

Watermelon Basket

Natalie and David made this watermelon basket for a 4th of July party last week. Nat had fun using the melon baller to scoop out the balls.

4th of July

The kids were excited for 4th of July to come. They’ve been wanting to light fireworks, especially sparklers. In the afternoon we went to Uncle Preeda’s house the swim. While in the pool, Preeda splashed what he thought was a dead bee onto Tyler and it stung him on his back! We pulled the stinger out with some tweezers and poor Tyler cried. After swimming, we stopped at Jiang Yi Po’s house to visit before going to Grandma’s for dinner and fireworks.




