Supreme Leader 2021-2022

Over the last several weeks, Nat has been working hard campaigning for her candidacy as ASB President. Yesterday morning, she learned SHE WON! There were two other candidates and both were worthy opponents so she was nervous about the outcome. She leveled up her campaigning this year by doing extra social media, including ads from social media influencers. She contacted a long list of influencers and was able to get 4 endorsements. She put together her campaign video all by herself too. We’re super proud of her!
To celebrate, we went out for boba and let her choose dinner. She picked poke from Aloha Fresh.

Happy 15

Happy 15th birthday to my baby Tyler. He doesn’t look like a baby anymore, but still acts like one! Since it’s Wednesday and Covid is still around, we had a low key family celebration with a few of his favorite foods.
Lunch: Chipotle. He loves Chipotle burrito bowls. Half chicken, half steak
Dinner: Cajun shrimp boil from Claw Shack. He loves the spicy shrimp.
Dessert: Mint chocolate chip ice cream cake