Tyler’s Good Heart

A very sweet conversation I overheard the kids today:
Nat: If you got to have another brother or sister, which would you want to have?
Tyler: A brother
Nat: If I didn’t exist, would you want another brother or me?
Tyler: You

So sweet!

The other night I asked Tyler if he wanted to go with me to Luckys to buy bread, he said “Sure!”
When we got to Luckys, I grabbed a shopping basket and he immediately took it from me to help me hold it. Such a good boy! While we walked around the store, I saw my favorite frozen meal (Michelina’s lasagna mozzarella) on sale. I searched for that flavor but couldn’t find it, but Tyler found it way at the bottom and back of the freezer. He said to me “See, aren’t you glad I came?” After we paid and were walking back to the car, I said to him “Thanks for coming with me Bud” and he replied “Your welcome. I just wanted to be helpful. I just wanted to be with you.” He melted my heart!

Dear Toothfairy…

Nat lost a tooth on the way to Chinese school this evening. We were all having a casual conversation in the car when suddenly, “OMG! My tooth just fell out!” So I gave her a piece if paper to wrap her tooth and she rinsed her mouth out at school.

When she got home, she wrote a tiny note to the tooth fairy on a tiny post it note:

Dear Toothfairy last time I asked for your signature it wasn’t true because you wrote SO Big and you are so tiny. I would like at least 5 dollars for this tooth. Is it true that you use our teeth to make dentures for old people? Yes? No? Circle one!



My Basketball Star

Tyler joined a basketball little league at the local community center. His teammates are mostly kids from his school. He’s been playing pretty well and doesn’t mind waking up early on Saturday mornings for practice.

His team:

Here are some videos of him making shots

Tyler In the News

NBC news visited Tyler’s class yesterday to meet one of his classmates who wrote a letter to Olympic snowboarder Jamie Anderson. Jamie tweeted that she got “the most precious letter” and the classmate was all over the news!

Tyler’s class is learning about the Olympics. Each student wrote a letter to an athlete. Tyler wrote to Shaun White.


The news video: