K-3 Spring Performance

All the Kindergarten classes put on a Spring Performance on Friday. Each class sang their own song and all the K’s sang songs together.

Tyler got to skip school so he could go watch the performance too. He brought his dog China. Before the show even started, he started complaining about being hungry and of course, I forgot to bring snacks. It was 10:30am. Throughout the entire show which lasted a little over 30 minutes, he kept asking if the show was over yet and he kept saying he wanted a hot dog. So after the show, David took him to 7-11 and got a 1/4lb hot dog and he ate the whole thing.





Open House


Hi, my name is Natalie. Today was my school’s Open House day. I showed my parents stuff I’ve been learning at school and gave them a tour of my classroom. We also got to visit the 1st grade classrooms and got a preview of stuff I will be learning next year. We started by getting pizza at the MU (Multi-Use) room. For $2, we got up to 2 slices of pizza, a cookie, and a drink.

This was my tour guide hat that I made at school

This is an art project that I did

Here, I am writing the evening message with Da Da

I’m showing Mom and Dad the calendar

Going for a bike ride

This afternoon, after naps and homework, the kids went for a bike ride. Destination –> the school playground. Natalie and Tyler brought their new Zhu Zhu pets that they got this weekend too.

