Not Chinese

Me: Nat, what should we eat for dinner tonight?

Nat: I don’t know. What do you want to eat?

Me: Let’s go eat Chinese food.

Nat: No!

Me: Why not? You’re Chinese.

Nat: No I’m not!


Natalie and I both had today off in observance of Martin Luther King Day. This morning, we were watching TV and there was a spot about him.

Nat: Today’s Martin Luther King Day. He was shot. Someone borrowed a gun and shot him.

Me: Why was he important?

Nat: Because he read a speech and then black people can sit anywere on the bus.

Christmas 2010

Christmas came and went like a blur. Is it just me or does each year go by faster and faster? We still haven’t gotten our house organized. There are still residual presents and Christmas stuff lying around. I haven’t found homes for all the new stuff yet. The kids made out like bandits this year! They pretty much got everything (and then some) on their wish lists. Santa was really lookin’ out! Thanks Santa!

After we got home from spending nearly two weeks in LA, I made it a point to pack up old toys to donate. The kids were pretty good about helping me too. I told them we needed to make room for their new toys. Most of the stuff we donated were Tyler’s toys. Little Kaiya gets to have Nat’s old princess toys. When we went to the donation center, Tyler watched his box of stuff go into the truck and he looked kind of sad.

Uncle Kang was nice enough to play Santa this year

Someone got mustaches as a gag gift so everyone tried them on

We hung out in SF on New Year’s Eve during the day

Having ice cream with Big Uncle

After 3 days of rain in LA, there was finally a break and we had a sunny day. Even though it was cold, the ice cream truck drove by.


Tyler enjoyed ice cream on the porch with Big Uncle and they had a nice chat.