My Golfer

Tyler has taken a major interest in golf in the last 2 years. He joined the school’s golf team this year and was invited to play a CCS qualifier given his season scores. He was thrilled! Unfortunately, he didn’t score so well (34). Probably too nervous since it was his first time in a larger competition. The match was at a private country club in south San Jose, which he was lucky to get to experience.

His coach

View of the country club

Mother’s Day 21

We had a low key but nice Mother’s Day this year. Natalie got her 2nd vaccine the day before so she stayed in bed while we had breakfast. She was pretty much laid out all day and started to bounce back in the evening. Still, David put together a really nice breakfast.

Slowly getting back to normal…

After a short late morning hike today, we had lunch outdoors at a restaurant for this first time in over a year! It was nice to be outside enjoying hot out of the oven pizza! The tables were nicely distanced so we didn’t feel uncomfortable eating and not having our masks on. Even Tyler didn’t complain about being out – taking up his precious weekend gaming time. It was a nice change from eating at home for the past year.