On Wednesday the kids’ school had open house. We got to visit their classrooms and check out the work they’ve been doing.
In Nat’s class each child drew their brain and we had to guess who each brain belonged to in the class.
Yesterday Tyler was drawing a picture and he wanted to write the date on it. (Something David has been telling him to do whenever he draws a picture)
Tyler: What’s today’s date?
Me: April 24th
Tyler: No, the date. Like 4 dash something something dash something.
Me: Oh, 4 dash 24 dash 12
Tyler: Thanks
Yesterday we went down to the San Jose made street fair in hopes of trying out some food trucks. Only when we got there only the farmers market and some local vendors were there. The food trucks weren’t coming out til 5pm.
So we decided to go to Sliders Burgers which we found on Yelp.
Then in the evening we went PPQ Dungenous Crab in San Francisco for Uncle Khang’s birthday dinner. It was a day with lots of good food!
We got back to San Francisco early this morning. We were all very tired. I’ve been blogging via my phone, so here are some more pics and video captured from our camera. Note: If you ever go to Hawaii, stay as long as possible!
When we were checking out of our hotel, Tyler says to me “Why can’t we stay here forever?”
Here’s the video of me telling the kids about Hawaii.
During the plane ride to Hawaii, Nat lost another tooth on the plane!
Koi Pond at our hotel
There’s the beach
A nice painting we saw in one of the shops
On the Hilo Hattie trolley
At the pool
This morning Nat worked on her postcards she got at the International Market. 5 lucky peeps are getting postcards!
Today we took a trolley to Hilo Hattie’s, a local souvenir shop. We picked up some treats for the family. After that we went to Ala Moana- a big fancy mall. David picked up some shirts from Local Motion. We had lunch at the food court and then took the trolley back.
Then we hit the pool again. When we were leaving we ran into these guys who were doing a ritual torch lighting thing by the pool.
Dinner: Zippy’s
Oh man, this kid has got to stop waking up so early! Another 6am wake up call from Tyler…
We spent the first part of the day at the beach. It started out sunny but then clouds started rolling in and we got drizzled on a little bit. But that didn’t stop the kids from having fun.
In the afternoon we walked around the strip. We found a farmers market and got some cinnamon rolls.
Dinner: Ramen!!