This morning I took the kids to a music store to buy some piano lesson books. There was 1 man working there and when we arrived he was playing an electric piano. He helped us find the books we needed and also showed us another book that was the nutcracker music at Natalie’s current learning level, but she wasn’t really interested in it. The man asked how our day was going and said that the kids were welcome to play on the instruments if we had time. So I let them. Nat played on the electric piano and Tyler played on the drums. Both of them had a really good time and the man showed them different ways to use the instruments. When we were ready to go, I went to the counter to pay for the piano lesson books and the man GAVE us the nutcracker music book. I was so pleasantly surprised. Later on in the car, both kids commented on what a nice man he was.
For the love of music!!!! i see natalie learned a new song!! who taught her that.. a little off but i can play the duet with her now yaaay
It was James!