It’s chaotic and expensive, but fun too! I got a taste of what it’s like to have 5 kids this weekend when cousins Kaiya, Sienna, and Gavin slept over. Luckily, they are really well behaved kids and love hanging around with Natalie and Tyler, so there wasn’t any intervention needed from me or David to break up arguments or anything like that. 5 kids = lot of dishes, bathroom organization, time management, extra food, and extra laundry. I’ve forgotten what it’s like to have to take care of younger children. Having to feed them and have nap time!
On Saturday we went to Vasona Park for a picnic lunch and met up with cousins Theo and Kiora too.
We stopped at L&L Hawaiian BBQ (David’s favorite) and picked up a couple of BBQ chicken plates to share.
Uncle Mike treated all the kids to ice cream!
We walked around the park and the kids had fun playing near the creek.
We all rode the train together. The kids had fun exploring and playing together.