Spring Break in Portland – Day 1

For Spring Break this year, we spent a few days in Portland, OR. I’ve been wanting to go to Portland for some time now and since I failed at planning a trip to Disneyworld, Portland was an affordable alternative. The kids were excited to go anywhere on a plane so they didn’t mind.

We were lucky to be visiting Portland just in time for the tulip festival that seems to happen once a year. There was a field full of tulips! Being there exacerbated Tyler’s allergies though. His eyes were very red and itchy by the end of the day.

There was a U-Pick section and the kids each picked a couple of tulips. We put them in the ice bucket at the hotel.

Our first big meal in Portland, southern food, by recommendation. The place is called Screen Door. We waited about an hour for our table but it was good!

At the tulip festival, the kids got to try zip lining!

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