Mother’s Day 2017

True to tradition, the kids and David got up early this morning and made a huge Mother’s Day breakfast. David was the chef, Nat was the sous chef, and Tyler was the entertainment. (And by entertainment I mean he played music for them, organized the dining table, and kept me in my room until they were ready.)

Tyler said to me, “快乐 妈妈的天!” Which directly translated is Happy Mother’s Day. But that’s not how it’s said. The correct phrase is “母亲节快乐!” At least he understands enough Chinese to put words together to make a phrase. I understood what he meant. 🙂

Some of the breakfast items. Nat made these yogurt parfaits and white chocolate covered strawberries!

A gift from Tyler

It’s a “Feel Good Jar.” There are notes inside to make me feel good if I need it.

Nat made this amazing chocolate cake! She stayed up til 1am last night making it. She’s a perfectionist.

More gifts from the kids. Nat made the picture frame and both kids decorated a flower pot and chose flowers of their choice for me. Tyler’s is a lavender plant. He knows I love the smell of lavender!

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