We headed to LA a few days before Christmas and stayed a few days after. It was a quieter Christmas this year with several family members traveling out of the country. We still enjoyed spending time with family that was around.
Grandma and Grandpa, and Auntie Diana and family were in Vietnam during Christmas so we had dinner at a restaurant this year. It was nice to do something different and have a nice dinner out.
After dinner, we headed back to Uncle Tommy’s house to open presents!
The kids decorated ginger bread houses and cookies
Tyler got this “my size” cat. He loves it.
Christmas at Uncle Chai’s house
Nat and I got matching sweaters
Nat joined us for her first big “Cousins Dinner”
After dinner, we went to Vanida’s house for karaoke. Nat loved it.
We tried a coffee shop in Koreatown Nat found