David reformatted his computer so I haven’t had a chance to download pictures and update our blog. In lieu of recent activities, here are some recent interesting things to share.
Tyler calls me “Mop” not “Mom”.
Since we moved, we’ve been training him to sleep in his own bed in a room with Natalie. At night, he tosses around in our bed and when he’s tired he’ll go to his own bed by himself and fall asleep there.
The other weekend, they both woke up and started to play together in the room. I heard Natalie say to Tyler, “Remember, Daddy said not to cry… do you want me to read you a book?” Tyler, “OK!”
When Tyler comes home from daycare with David he’ll say hi to me and come hug my leg and say “I miss you!” or “I wuv you!”
I keep a cup of water on the night stand next to my bed at night and Tyler often goes to drink it. One night, he got up in the middle of the night and drank it all and wanted more, so he stood next to me and said “Water pease”.
The other day at daycare, he was pulling on his ear and Rosamaria asked who did that to him and he said “Mamma do it”. ( I totally don’t!) The kid is trying to frame me! I know this because Rosamaria asked David about it when he picked him up.