Po Po and Gong Gong flew up on Friday to help us move. Boy were they a BIG help! Po po helped pack up alot of our stuff and Gong Gong helped clean and organize all our stuff. On Saturday, we rented a huge U-Haul truck and packed EVERYTHING in! Big Uncle, Uncle Khang, Uncle Wen, Uncle Chubber, Uncle Willy, and Patrick came to help too. With everyone’s help, we were able to finish the move in one truck load!
Big Uncle came back from Asia just in time to help us move. He bought Tyler this cool Ferrari shirt from China. Tyler loved it.
On Sunday, after settling in our new home, Gong Gong cooked dinner and everyone came over.
It was also Jeffrey’s birthday. Willy and Natalie baked huge sugar cookies and decorated them that afternoon.
After dinner, Po Po and Tyler shared some sour gummy bears.